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Screenshot Request

URL Format

  • YOUR API KEY, You'll get this from the console
  • GENERATED HASH, MD5 hash of full url including query string and API Secret, md5(API SECRET + REQUEST URL & OPTIONS)
  • REQUEST URL & OPTIONS, Target URL and query string that contains all of the options you want to set
<img src="

Request Options

QueryDefault valueDescription
url-URL-encoded target url
vw1440Viewport Width
vh900Viewport Height
scaleFactor1Specify screen scale factor (dpr)
top0Top offset for clipping rectangle
left0Left offset for clipping rectangle
widthViewport WidthClipping Width
heightViewport HeightClipping Height
waitFor-Capture will wait for this CSS selector to appear before taking screenshot
waitForId-Capture will wait for this id to appear before taking screenshot
delay0Delay in seconds before capturing
fullfalseSet full as true to capture full page
darkModefalseTake a dark mode screenshot
blockCookieBannersfalseDismiss cookie consent banners or popups before taking screenshot
selectorfalseTake a screenshot of the element that matches this selector
selectorIdfalseTake a screenshot of the element that matches this element ID
transparentfalseCapture with a transparent background
userAgent-Custom User agent
timestamp-This will force reload the image
freshfalseTake a fresh screenshot instead of getting a cached version
resizeWidth-Resize the captured image to provided width, both resize height and width is mandatory
resizeHeight-Resize the captured image to provided height, both resize height and width is mandatory
fileName-File name used while saving to S3
s3Acl-The canned S3 ACL to apply to S3 uploads
s3RedirectfalseSet as true to redirect response to uploaded S3 url
skipUploadfalseAvoid uploading to S3 when this options is set as true
typepngSpecify screenshot type, can be either jpeg, png or webp.
bestFormatfalseUse best image format, this will try to use webp for modern browsers, png for older ones

Check the following reference for valid S3 ACL values.

Rate Limits

All accounts are restricted at 5 requests / second, you can request an upgrade by contacting our support.