Screenshot Request
URL Format
, You'll get this from the consoleGENERATED HASH
, MD5 hash of full url including query string and API Secret,md5(API SECRET + REQUEST URL & OPTIONS)
, Target URL and query string that contains all of the options you want to set
<img src="
Request Options
Query | Default value | Description |
url | - | URL-encoded target url |
vw | 1440 | Viewport Width |
vh | 900 | Viewport Height |
scaleFactor | 1 | Specify screen scale factor (dpr) |
top | 0 | Top offset for clipping rectangle |
left | 0 | Left offset for clipping rectangle |
width | Viewport Width | Clipping Width |
height | Viewport Height | Clipping Height |
waitFor | - | Capture will wait for this CSS selector to appear before taking screenshot |
waitForId | - | Capture will wait for this id to appear before taking screenshot |
delay | 0 | Delay in seconds before capturing |
full | false | Set full as true to capture full page |
darkMode | false | Take a dark mode screenshot |
blockCookieBanners | false | Dismiss cookie consent banners or popups before taking screenshot |
selector | false | Take a screenshot of the element that matches this selector |
selectorId | false | Take a screenshot of the element that matches this element ID |
transparent | false | Capture with a transparent background |
userAgent | - | Custom User agent |
timestamp | - | This will force reload the image |
fresh | false | Take a fresh screenshot instead of getting a cached version |
resizeWidth | - | Resize the captured image to provided width, both resize height and width is mandatory |
resizeHeight | - | Resize the captured image to provided height, both resize height and width is mandatory |
fileName | - | File name used while saving to S3 |
s3Acl | - | The canned S3 ACL to apply to S3 uploads |
s3Redirect | false | Set as true to redirect response to uploaded S3 url |
skipUpload | false | Avoid uploading to S3 when this options is set as true |
type | png | Specify screenshot type, can be either jpeg , png or webp . |
bestFormat | false | Use best image format, this will try to use webp for modern browsers, png for older ones |
Check the following reference for valid S3 ACL values.
Rate Limits
All accounts are restricted at 5 requests / second, you can request an upgrade by contacting our support.